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tiup dm display

If you want to check the operational status of each component in a DM cluster, it is inefficient to log in to each machine one by one. Therefore, tiup-dm provides the tiup dm display command to do this job efficiently.


tiup dm display <cluster-name> [flags]

<cluster-name> is the name of the cluster to be operated. If you forget the cluster name, you can check it using the tiup dm list command.


-N, --node

  • Specifies the IDs of the nodes to query, splitting by commas for multiple nodes. If you are not sure about the ID of a node, you can skip this option in the command to show the IDs and status of all nodes in the output.
  • Data type: STRING
  • This option is enabled by default with [] (which means all nodes) passed in.

-R, --role

  • Specifies the roles to query, splitting by commas for multiple roles. If you are not sure about the role deployed on a node, you can skip this option in the command to show the roles and status of all nodes in the output.
  • Data type: STRING
  • This option is enabled by default with [] (which means all roles) passed in.

-h, --help

  • Prints the help information.
  • Data type: BOOLEAN
  • This option is disabled by default with the false value. To enable this option, add this option to the command, and either pass the true value or do not pass any value.


  • Cluster name
  • Cluster version
  • SSH client type
  • A table containing the following fields:
    • ID: the node ID, consisting of IP:PORT.
    • Role: the service role deployed on the node (for example, TiDB or TiKV).
    • Host: the IP address of the machine corresponding to the node.
    • Ports: the port number used by the service.
    • OS/Arch: the operating system and machine architecture of the node.
    • Status: the current status of the services on the node.
    • Data Dir: the data directory of the service. - means that there is no data directory.
    • Deploy Dir: the deployment directory of the service.

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