TiDBTiDB Docs Dash 2024

Jan 9 - Jan 12 (UTC)
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TiDB Dedicated Limitations and Quotas

TiDB Cloud limits how many of each kind of component you can create in a TiDB Dedicated cluster, and the common usage limitations of TiDB. In addition, there are some organization-level quotas to limit the amount of resources created by users to prevent from creating more resources than you actually need. These tables outline limits and quotas.

Cluster Limits

Number of data replicas3
Number of Availability Zones for a cross-zone deployment3

Cluster Quotas

ComponentQuota (default)
Maximum number of total TiDB nodes for all clusters in your organization10
Maximum number of total TiKV nodes for all clusters in your organization15
Maximum number of total TiFlash nodes for all clusters in your organization5

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